Simona Škrabec
Writer and translator
With a PhD in Comparative Literature from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), she is currently a lecturer on the Catalan Language and Literature Degree at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).
She is the author of L'estirp de la solitud (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2002, Josep Carner Prize for Literary Theory), L'atzar de la lluita (Editorial Asuntos, 2005), Una patria prestada en (Universitat de València, 2017) and Vuelvo del bosque con las manos teñidas (L'Avenç, 2019).
She has translated more than thirty books. In the field of translation theory she has participated in the collective volume, directed by Esther Allen, To be translated or not to be (2007) and co-directed with Teresa Iribarren the volume Constelaciones variables (2012). She has coordinated many symposia and research projects, the latest being the report for UNESCO Cultures's oxygen (2017) on the publishing industry in politically unstable contexts. Finally, she is the chair of the Translations and Linguistic Rights Committee of the writers' association, PEN International.